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Updates from Peru Team

             May 7th, 2007

The Peru Team arrived home safely on Tueday, May 1st, tired but happy, with many fond memories of our time with the Quechua people of Peru!


Our last few days in Ayacucho were peaceful - the planned demonstration by the coca farmers was postponed because of a last minute agreement that was made with the Peruvian government  - an agreement not to disrupt Ayacucho's 467th anniversary celebrations.  The anniversary was on Monday, April 23rd, and it was a public holiday, for schools, and some businesses.  These people do know how to celebrate - the festivities went into the wee hours of the morning, and although we did not participate, our hotel was only 1/2 a block from the town square, so we heard it all!  We pray that the situation with the coca farmers can be resolved peacefully - they supply coca leaves for healthy, beneficial purposes as well, and of course, they are not happy that their main means of subsistence income is in danger of being eradicated.  The big danger comes when the drug lords supply the coca farmers with arms to protect their farms. 


During our last 3 days in Ayacucho, our Team had the opportunity to visit the Romulo Saune Refugee School on the outskirts of Ayacucho, and leave them some much needed school supplies, and monetary aid for the teacher's salaries.  We also visted Pastor Adrien's church in Ayacucho - a church that was started since the Quechua Ayacucho JESUS Film was introduced in 2004.  They are hoping to purchase a plot of land to build a more permanent church, and are slowly raising some funds to do this.  Our hope is that Canadian friends can contribute in part to this dream they have.  On our last day in Ayacucho, we travelled to Chakiq Pampa.  This was a long day of travel - 3 hours one way - and the road was worse than we remembered from last year!  The rains had washed out several areas, and there were also some new rock slides that were not there last year.  Our time in Chakiq was short, but they did manage to feed us again, and present a program and petitions.  The needs at the Christian school there are great.


We had a wonderful time in Cusco & Machu Picchu, before we headed back to Lima for our return home.  We met with Justin & Tammy Hettinga , Canadian missionaries with Wycliffe, stationed in Cusco, as well as the JESUS Film Team coordinator in Cusco, Pastor Ruban.  He was elated that funding had been obtained in Canada to support the JESUS Film Team for another three years. 


We thank God for His arm of protection over us, and that through us, we were allowed to show His love to the Quechua people.  The Quechua people continue to need our prayers on their behalf, as many struggle to survive.  The Quechua church is truly an example to us of how the Christian community should support and uphold each other. Please continue to pray for the JESUS Film Teams as they go out into potentially dangerous territory. 


Thank you for following the Peru Project 2007!  May God bless you!      

Anne & Jerry Gedir


             April 27, 2007

The trip to Chikiq Pampa was good, the reception was overwhelming. Traveling on the ‘goat trail’ was an adventure but they made it through. Thanks for praying.

Yesterday, April 26th, the team traveled from Ayacucho to Lima to Cusco. They met with Justin Hettinga with Wycliffe and Pastor Ruben with Jesus Film Project Cusco.

Today begins debrief and relaxation. They will take a 4 hour train ride to Aguas Calientes -  base of Machu Pichu and then tomorrow they tour Machu Pichu.

The team is healthy….thanks for praying.

Pray for the team as they relax and debrief over the next couple of days. Pray for safety as they travel home.

             April 25, 2007

The unrest in the area has subsided for now….thanks for praying.

The Sunday conference celebration was outstanding! The team has really connected with the Quechua pastors and leaders form all over Ayacucho and Huancavelica.

Monday the team visited the refugee school with 31 students. They delivered school supplies and funds to sponsor the salary of one of the three teachers for a full year (approx. $70/month).

Yesterday, Tuesday, the team visited Monte Sinai Church in the refugee area of Ayacucho– very, very poor. The team wants to help the church purchase land. They meet with the church and landowner later today (Wednesday).

 Please pray for a generous heart for the landowner.

Today the team travels to Chakiq Pampa (where the team camped last year) - 3 hours by bus each way high up in the Andes on a ‘goat trail’. The team is only staying the day but the people wanted them to come. Please pray for safety as they travel.

Thank God for reasonable health. They have had some minor stomach ailments that have affected most of the team. Pray for healing and good health.

             April 23, 2007

Pastors and Leaders Conference was great! - a serious hunger to learn and disciple.

Alison and her children, Mollie and Samuel, have really connected with the children in Ayacucho.

On Friday, April 20th the team was showing the Jesus film in a village called Yanama, high up in the Andes– about 12,500 ft.

The strike is still expected today. They do not know how large a demonstration….the team will lay low and stay clear. Continue to pray!

             April 19, 2007

Team arrived in Ayacucho safely and were welcomed by the Jesus Film Team, supporting pastors, spouses and family members.

Knowing Jesus booklets were distributed.

All luggage sent by bus from Lima arrived in Ayacucho. “Praise God!”

Final preparations were made for the conference.

Urgent Prayer Request

Ayacucho has a violent history -it was the base for the shining path rebels and many people have died there over the years:

News of a rumored strike planned for Mon-Tues. The government of Peru is trying to

crack down on cocaine production by stopping the sale of coca leaves. The

coca leaf is a major crop for many farmers in the area around Ayacucho, and

the ban would devastate the lives of many farmers. It is an honest living as

the leaves are used for tea and other good purposes (medicinal). But it is

also what is used in the making of cocaine.

The drug lords have equipped the farmers (word is anywhere from 2500 to

25000) with arms to stage an armed revolt on Monday and Tuesday. They plan

to go to Ayacucho to make a point to the government. Thousands of farmers

with their livelihoods on the line are a strong force.

Quechua pastors are nervous as tension is high.

 Please pray!!

That God’s Glory will be revealed thru this situation.

Wisdom for Jerry. He has big decisions to make on behalf of the team.

Pray for local pastors and believers in the area.

Pray for peace of mind and safety for the team.

Pray for the softening of hearts and dissipation of the anger before the

strike even takes place.

Pray for the conference- will continue ministry as God keeps doors open!

             April 18, 2007

Peru team is in Lima. Lost 1 piece of luggage but it was found. Spent Tuesday, April 17th buying school supplies, volley and soccer balls for the refugee school.

The heavy luggage and all supplies were shipped by bus to Ayacucho. Jerry says, “We had an enlightening experience shopping for the supplies with the 10 M of Lima. The traffic and ‘bigger wins’ driving rules will be permanently etched in our minds. Sam was impressed. God protected us!”

Bob Hutchings and Laura met up with the team and spent the day together.

They leave for Ayacucho today.